On a regular basis we go out on the street to pray for sick people and to share the gospel! Also in our daily lifes we are active in sharing the gospel and praying for sick people.


We provide Evangelism trainings troughout Romania and other nations! During the trainings we teach on
  • how to share the gospel
  • how to pray for the sick
  • lifestyle of praying and fasting
  • deliverance
  • being leaded by the Holy Spirit
  • start making disciples

The best part of the training is the practical part. Together we will go out on the street to practice what we have learned!



On a regular basis, we make mission trips in order to take the Gospel-message into different countries throughout the world. These trips will enable us to share Jesus' Life Giving message of Hope and Salvation within in each country. While at the same time, we want to equip the local churches in their growth and understanding of the Gospel, need for revival, and in outreach-training necessary to bring in God's end time harvest of souls.


Would you like to contact us about evangelisation or do you have any other question? Feel free to fill in the contact form with your request!